Remember Poppy Day

Music By Olly Wedgwood | Lyrics & Poem by Chris Grace | Poppy Art By Teresa Scannella

Remembering The Many Who Have Fought Or Died In The Wars & Those Affected By Their Sacrifices

Please Observe Two Minutes Silence at 11am on Armistice Day (11th November) or on Remembrance Sunday


Official RBL Poppy Appeal Song for 2014: 'No Man's Land' - Joss Stone

The Official Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal Song for 2014 is No Man's Land (Green Fields of France) sung by Joss Stone and featuring Jeff Beck.
The video for the song is filmed at the ceramic poppies installation at the Tower Of London.
Let us know what you think of it. Our Twitter Id is @PoppyDayUK

Remember Poppy Day Single By Olly Wedgwood

Support The Poppy Appeal by Downloading Remember Poppy Day
It's easy to download Olly Wedgwood's beautiful and moving single from this site by clicking here  At only £0.79 (US$ 0.99 / Eur 0.88) it's affordable by everyone & all profits on this (& the other songs) are going to The RBL Poppy Appeal charity.

Charities Supported

The Poppy Appeal (Music)
Alzheimer's Society (Art & Cards)


Listen to or Download Music
Remembrance Day Song - Remember Poppy Day
Remember Poppy Day Single
Other Olly Wedgwood Music & Videos

Art - Supporting Alzheimer's

  Art Prints & Cards

Other Info & Resources

  Article - About The Project
  How You Can Help
  Poem - Full Length
  Song Lyrics
  Educational Resources
  No Man's Land (Green Fields of France) sung by Joss Stone and featuring Jeff Beck - official Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal Song for 2014
  Official RBL Poppy Appeal Song for 2014:
'No Man's Land (Green Fields Of France) - Joss Stone
  Official RBL Poppy Appeal Song for 2013: 'The Call' - The Poppy Girls
  Other Remembrance Day Poems / Songs
  Poppy Appeal Prize Draw
  Debate & Forum
  Sam Wedgwood
  Georgi Bartlett
  Contact Us

Charities Supported

100% of all profits from the Remember Poppy Day Single (and the other songs) will go the Royal British Legion's Poppy Appeal. This project is also supporting The Alzheimer's Society with sales of Art and Cards.
The Poppy Appeal (Music)
The Royal British Legion is the UK’s leading charity providing financial, social and emotional support to millions who have served or are currently serving in the Armed Forces, and their dependants.
Listen to or Download Music
Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal
Alzheimer's Society (Art & Cards)
This is the Charity which our Artist Teresa Scannella has been supporting for years in memory of her mother who suffered from the illness for years and was the motivation behind her Poppy Fields  painting, which is featured on the video and CD cover. 50% of the profit on Art & Cards will go to this worthwhile charity.
Alzheimer's Society Charity supported by Art & Card Sales
The Alzheimer's Society works to improve the quality of life of people affected by dementia in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Many of the 25,000 Alzheimer's Society members have personal experience of dementia, as carers, health professionals or people with dementia themselves, and their experiences help to inform our work. View Art & Cards
Other Countries - Similar Charities tba
For sales outside the UK, we will be supporting similar charities to the above, as appropriate in those countries. These will be announced later.
Optional Additional Charity Contributions
If you would like to make an additional contribution, we have set up a fundraising page for the Royal British Legion's Poppy Appeal. We are using Bmycharity for this facility, since no admin fee is charged. Your entire donation, plus tax refund (if applicable) goes to the Charity.
The Poppy Appeal additional fundraising page
Or visit their website
Alzheimer's Society additional fundraising
Please donate on the website;

The Remember Poppy Day Team

Olly Wedgwood
writer - music,
piano, vocals
Chris Grace
writer - poem &
lyrics, website
Sam Wedgwood
backing vocals
& various instruments
Remember Poppy Day - Musicians, Poet & Artist - Press Release Photo for Remembrance Single 
Teresa Scannella
artist - poppy fields painting
Rachael Talibart
(this side of the lens!)
Georgi Bartlett
Follow Poppy Day UK page on Twitter    Remember Poppy Day on Facebook
What's a minute or two of our lives compared to the years they gave?
  The remembrance day poem starts;
  I remember when I was young
a strange day in a crowded town
everyone rushing and then a bell
people stood like statues and silence fell
  Buses halted, although planes still flew
factories stopped and offices too
and then I heard my Mother say
"Remember, this is Poppy Day"
  We all live such hectic lives these days
as we rush around and round
forgetting it’s poppy day,
and forgetting those so still in the ground
  So take a minute of your life to remember
a minute's so much less than the years
of their lives, they gave for me and you
and remember the survivors and their tears
  > See the full poem / the lyrics
  Poppy Cross Memorial - Remembrance Day
  Chris tells us how he was inspired to write the poem which started the Remember Poppy Day project and the project team was formed
  > Read the article
  History & Other Educational Resources
  We will soon be adding historical information and other educational content to this website. If you have any photos or information you wish to contribute, please send an email to
  Music - Listen & Download
  Other Videos

Poppy Appeal Draw

Official Lottery Draw Of
Royal British Legion's Poppy Appeal.
Every £1 entry you buy will help serving and ex-Service personnel and their families.
Not just those who fought in the two World Wars, but also those involved in the many conflicts since 1945 and those still fighting today.
Charity Website:
Poppy Appeal Prize Draw

Remember Poppy Day

Contact Us    email:  Tel: 01483 771 345

Music By Olly Wedgwood | Lyrics & Poem by Chris Grace | Poppy Art By Teresa Scannella

Remember Poppy Day Music, Poem & Art

Please Observe Two Minutes Silence at 11am on Armistice Day (11th November) or on Remembrance Sunday

Official Facebook page for Remember Poppy Day
Woking Alzheimer's Sociaety Charity Donation
£400 raised for
Alzheimer's Society
Live Radio Appearances
Please note: since these BBC Radio appearances, the proportion to the charities has been raised to 100% of profits to Poppy Apeal for all Music and 50% on Art & Cards to Alzheimer's Society
BBC Radio Surrey - Guildford
104FM | 104.6 FM
Hear a recording
of Chris live on
BBC Radio Surrey
& BBC Radio Sussex
Chris was live from the Guildford studios as a
main feature
discussing the Remember Poppy Day Project
Also the Sarah Gorrell Show
BBC Radio Sussex
95.3FM | 104.5FM | 104.8FM | DAB
November 11 Remember Poppy Day on Ukranian TV Inter - main News Programme
International TV
Olly was filmed by Inter, the leading Ukranian TV Channel for broadcast on their peak news programmes on November 11th (up to 40 million viewers)
See Ukranian TV
News Coverage
Remember Poppy Day on Ukranian TV Channel Inter
Remembrance Day 11th November
Hear a recording
of Olly live on
BBC 3 Counties Radio
BBC Radio Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire & Buckinghamshire
95.5FM | 103.8 FM | 1045FM
Olly was live from the Luton studios as a main feature
and also had another
Radio interview with
BBC Radio Milton Keynes
Follow Poppy Day UK on Twitter
Some of your comments
"Really lovely and moving , well done!"
Alison Davey

“I looked at the website and after listening to the song and seeing the photos I was filled with such emotion that I am still crying now as I write this email.
You have done an incredible job putting this together and I really do feel privileged to be part of it. I wish everyone huge success.”
Teresa Scannella
Woking Surrey

"Love the song and lyrics "
Linda Stone
Hinchley Wood, Surrey